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Snow Removal

The Public Works Department strives to achieve the safe and efficient removal of snow and ice during winter storms.

The objective of the Township’s winter maintenance program is to provide winter highway safety to the traveling public with the most reasonable, efficient and effective manner. To perform this service, it is essential that the salting and plowing operations be conducted in a professional manner, equipment is properly maintained, materials are in sufficient stock and personnel are trained and properly instructed in the methods and procedures to be followed. The Township maintains approximately 60 miles of township roads.

Salting Procedures

The Township uses approximately 1200 tons of salt in the average winter. This amount varies depending upon the severity of the winter season. The following procedures will be implemented in the salting phase  of any winter operation.

  1. The spreaders will be calibrated for the proper application rate.
  2. Personnel shall not overload the trucks to avoid spilling of materials.
  3. Snow Emergency Routes will be completed first. All main connector roads will follow. Cul-de-sacs will be completed last since they are traveled the least of any roads.
  4. Plowing will not begin immediately after the application of the salt. Enough time will be allowed for the salt to start its melting action.


Snow plowing equipment should always travel in the direction of traffic flow. The speed of the plow is normally 15 MPH but will vary with the amount and type of snowfall, the condition of the roadway and traffic conditions. Efforts to minimize damage to private property are a key factor in regulating vehicle speed. Snowplowing will not begin until at least 3″ of snow is on the roadway and the application of salt has been given an opportunity to work.

  1. First priority routes are those designated as Snow Emergency Routes. These have the highest traffic volume, near schools, emergency facilities, and public institutions.
  2. Those routes of the second priority are the streets with signalized intersections, stop intersections, school bus routes and bus stops.
  3. Third priority streets are those in the residential developments.
  4. The least priority are those streets in the commercial and industrial areas.

Every truck is assigned to a specific area of responsibility and this is of first priority for the vehicle. After salting operations are concluded and plowing commences, one pass is made in each direction on every street. Cul-de-sacs shall be plowed one pass in and one pass out during the initial phase of the operation. Once the first phase of operation is completed, the driver will contact the Director or supervisor in charge to advise him/her of the current status. If assigned, the driver will assist other drivers in their areas.

Upon completion of the initial phase of the plowing operation, the pushing back phase will begin. This is the phase where all streets are cleaned curb-to-curb or to the shoulder of the road. This plowing procedure is the same as the initial phase with the exception of cul-de-sacs and intersections. These will be done with the help of a backhoe, loader or smaller truck, for reasons of safety and maneuverability. Again, when the driver has completed his/her assigned area, a call shall be made to the Director or supervisor in charge to advise them of his/her status and to ascertain if there are any areas in need of assistance.

Warwick Township Public Works Department maintains and plows nearly 60 miles of Township roads as well as assisting with the maintenance of the many park facilities and detention basins throughout the Township.

Winter Weather Preparation

Residents are urged to park their cars in their driveways during inclement weather so snow crews can plow curb-to-curb to provide a wider path for traffic. Those who must park in the street can avoid congestion and potential accidents by not parking opposite driveways.

Trash cans should be removed from streets and curbs to allow free flow of the snow plow.

As soon as snow or freezing rain starts, salting operations will begin on the primary snow removal routes. Residents should stay on these main thoroughfares.

Plowing will begin as the snow depth reaches 3 to 4 inches. Motorists should stay well behind the trucks and give them room to operate.

After the primary routes, the secondary streets will be plowed. During a Snow Emergency, residents should keep informed by listening to the radio or watching television.

Residents are also asked to remain patient because inclement weather slows down crews as well as motorists. Cooperation from residents will help us conduct a more efficient snow removal.

Warwick Township is making winter storm management preparations for dedicated roads to assure the highest level of service to our residents. The following is our general snow and ice removal policy for the Township. The policy may be adjusted to address unique situations or state of emergency designations.

To serve you better, we need your cooperation with all facets of winter storm management. We ask you to review our policy and the additional information provided here. If you have any further questions, please email them

The Township does not mobilize its snow removal forces for its plowing operations until a minimum of 3″of snow is on the ground. Icing conditions are addressed using different criteria. Designated snow emergency routes will be the first areas salted and plowed within the Township, followed by collector roads, main development streets, and cul-de-sacs. For the initial plowing sequence, drivers are instructed to make one pass in each direction on the street and one pass in and out of cul-de-sacs (up the middle). The priority of each vehicle is to open each street in its assigned area. At the start of each storm, trucks are loaded with salt and sent to their assigned areas, their instructions are to apply salt to all Snow Emergency Routes then collector and arterial roads, followed by main development roads then cul-de-sacs and Dead Ends Last. So if we come through and have not been on your street it is because Cul-de-sacs and Dead Ends are LAST. We will address you as soon as our primary roadways have been treated and are safe. Salt needs the movement of traffic to be most effective; so if it seems your street has not been salted, it may just be that there has not been enough traffic to promote melting action.

Snow is pushed where it is most convenient and maximizes our time. We do not purposely place snow on anyone’s property. The snow is pushed to areas that maximize our time and effectiveness. We are working as hard and as quickly as possible to open up our roadways for all.

Here are ways for you to assist with the snow removal efforts:

Vehicle parking:

  • Park off the roadway and in your driveway. On street parking inhibits our trucks from clearing the streets
  • If you live on a cul-de-sac, parking on the street makes snow removal almost impossible.
  • If you live on a designated snow emergency route, you may not park on the street once a snow emergency has been declared.

General Removal of Snow:

  • Do not throw or blow the snow that you remove from your driveway or sidewalks back into the street. This slows the snow removal process and you could be subject to a fine.

Driveways – Some suggestions for shoveling driveways are:

  • Wait until all plowing operations have ceased before attempting to clear your driveway.
  • If you clear your driveway before plowing operations are completed, leave the last 6 feet unshoveled.

If you opt to clear your driveway all the way to the street before plowing operations are complete, following the diagram below can minimize your aggravation.

Snow Shoveling Diagram
Snow Shoveling Diagram

Mailbox Damage

Efforts to remove snow from roadways curb-to-curb or to the shoulder of the road may result in damage to private property. While every measure is taken to minimize damage, heavy snowfall and areas where there are no curbs, makes it difficult for operators to identify the edge of the roadway surface.

The Public Works Department maintains a list of areas damaged during Winter snow removal operations. Once the weather breaks, the Public Works crew will place topsoil, grade and seed damaged areas.

Public Works is not responsible for basketball hoops or nets placed along the roadway that may be damaged during snow removal operations. Any basketball hoops or nets left in the right of way (roadways and sidewalks) during the months of November through March could be subject to fine.


It is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure the mailbox can withstand the potential weight of snow being thrown from a plow, and if mailbox damage does occur, it is the responsibility of the property owner.

Proper Mailbox Installation

To minimize the possible damage to a homeowner’s mailbox, Warwick Township provides the following recommendations:

  • Locate mailbox as far from the shoulder of the road as the carrier can reach from a vehicle
  • Make certain your mailbox has a strong support; check it frequently
  • Use reflective tape (6-8 inch) or similar material to assist the snow plow driver during dark hours or driving snow storms
  • Clear snow from the front of your mailbox and deposit it properly (never shovel snow onto the road)
  • Homeowners who have followed these guidelines in the past, and still experience mailbox damage may want to consider installing a cantilever mailbox support that will “swing” a mailbox out of harm’s way. Click here for diagram: mailboxdiagram

Being pro-active and taking the necessary measures to winterize your mailbox, making it stable and visible will allow for efficient snow removal operations and the continued convenience of mail delivery to your home. We appreciate your cooperation.