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Tribute to Chairperson Judith A. Algeo

Warwick Township lost a friend and servant on January 1, 2025.  Judith, Chairperson of the Warwick Township Board of Supervisors, held successful careers as a child care worker, child and family therapist, massage therapist, public official and her true calling, as a family law litigator.

Judith was one of the first two female volunteer firefighters in Warwick Township. She was a social worker for juvenile offenders at DeLaSalle in Town and St. Gabriel’s Hall. While running the youth shelter as Director of Residential Services at Tabor Children’s Services, she served on the board of the National Network of Runaway & Homeless Youth Services and Chair of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Runaway Youth Services. She chaired and served for years on the Interagency Youth Coalition of Bucks County and was a founding member of the Bucks County AIDS Network. A lifelong learner, she earned her B.A. in Criminal Justice/Sociology and M.A. in Pastoral Ministry from La Salle and her law degree from Temple.

Judith recalled the visionary 1978 commencement plea of then-LaSalle College President Brother Patrick Ellis, to “do something in public service … run for office.” Following five years on the Zoning Hearing Board, she was first elected to the Board of Supervisors of Warwick Township in 1999, and served as its Chairperson since 2004. She came to know many cherished friends in the Bucks County Association of Township Officials.

Fresh out of law school, she founded Algeo & Litzke in Doylestown and Judith was soon recognized for her unique blend of compassion, zeal, personal presence, trial skill and acumen. Judges especially liked that she found solutions rather than create problems in her cases. She was never without a pro bono client, and former therapy and law clients would often reconnect with their life success stories and new challenges. She championed service to women in Protection from Abuse and Judicial Bypass cases. She led the parent lawyers group in Juvenile Dependency Court and served hundreds of children and elders as guardian ad litem in Dependency and Orphans courts. Over 27 years as member of the Bucks County Bar Association, she served as Bar President in 2006-2007; chaired the Family Law Section, Woman Lawyers’ Division, and Committees on Children’s Advocacy, Continuing Legal Education and Lawyers Helping Lawyers; helped start the charitable Bucks County Bar Foundation; and was honored with the Arthur B. Walsh. Jr. Award for Pro Bono Services and the Harriet Mims Award. She twice received the Pennsylvania Bar Association Pro Bono Service Award. She is a Board Member of Legal Aid of Southeastern PA, where she mentored promising parent advocates with special affection.

The Township will be honoring Judith’s dedication to the community during our regularly scheduled February 17th Board of Supervisors meeting at 7pm. All are welcome to attend.