Stony Road Widening Plan
The Warwick Township Public Works Department will be undertaking a road widening project on Stony Road. The project will widen the road an average of 4 feet between Turkey Trot Road and Bentley Drive. The purpose of the road widening is to make the road safer for vehicular traffic and pedestrians, and reinforce the edges to ensure road stability. The location of the widening will vary from side to side depending on the terrain.
Any mailboxes, driveways, etc. affected by this widening will be restored or replaced by the Township to pre-construction condition.
The project is expected to take 2-3 weeks depending on the weather. The work is expected to begin mid to late spring. Additional notice will be provided as we get closer to the construction start date. All construction will be within the Township Right of Way.
Full access to your homes will remain during construction.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 215-491-6641.
Mark Rambo, Director of Public Works